Featured Service: Microneedling

Also known as collagen induction therapy, microneedling is a phenomenal skin therapy treatment that is clinically shown to reduce wrinkles and acne scarring.

Microneedling is minimally invasive and, using the exceed device by industry standard-bearer Candela Medical, 86% of patients saw a reduction of acne scarring within 4 treatments and 90% of patients saw a reduction of facial wrinkles.

What We Include in Every Treatment

  • Top of the Line Medical Needling Machine

  • Medical Strength Numbing

  • Pre-Treatment InfraRed Light LED Therapy

  • Ante-Age Growth Factor Needling Serum

  • Post-Treatment Red Light LED Therapy

  • Home Care Kit Included

  • Optional Upgrade for Exosomes

    Incredible Value and Optimized Results!

What Other Places Include

  • Lesser Devices with lower standards for tips, or cheap stampers & rollers

  • OTC Numbing Cream

  • No growth factors, Use Hyaluronic Acid for slip

  • No light therapy

  • Must purchase home care kit for post-treatment care

  • Don’t offer exosomes

Microneedling Prices at Meg Bodi Skincare

$450/treatment for single sessions


$1600 for a package of 4 treatments.

Treatments are best done 4-6 weeks apart. Ante-Age Exosome upgrade is $200 per session.

Microneedling, also sometimes called microchanneling or Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT), is considered a medical treatment in the state of Texas. Meg Bodi Skincare performs this service under the medical directorship of Dr. Jill Spital. If you choose to have this treatment performed, please make sure that the esthetician performing the service is doing so safely and legally under the delegation of a medical director.